Monday 13th March 2023
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan will be visiting the Handbridge Dojo for 2 training sessions as follows:-
6pm-7pm Juniors / Intermediates
7pm-8pm Black and Brown Belts
ALL KUGB members welcome. Visitors training fee £6

Monday 13th March 2023
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan will be visiting the Handbridge Dojo for 2 training sessions as follows:-
6pm-7pm Juniors / Intermediates
7pm-8pm Black and Brown Belts
ALL KUGB members welcome. Visitors training fee £6
Monday 24th April 2023
Sensei Frank Brennan 8th Dan will be visiting the Handbridge Dojo on Monday 24th April 2023.
There will be a single training session from 6pm to around 7:15pm for all grades immediately followed by the grading.
Please bring licence books on any session prior to grading night.
Cost for the grading is £10 per student in addition to the normal training fee.
ALL KUGB members are welcome to attend. Visitors training fee £6